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How to manage Joe bot

Start Joe Bot container​

Define the config file ~/.dblab/joe/configs/joe.yml according the configuration options page and run the command:

sudo docker run \
--name joe_bot \
--publish 2400:2400 \
--restart=on-failure \
--volume ~/.dblab/joe/configs:/home/configs \
--volume ~/.dblab/joe/meta:/home/meta \
--detach \

Ensure that apps folder is writable by Joe inside docker container.

Reconfigure Joe Bot container​

Update the configuration file ~/.dblab/joe/configs/joe.yml.

Restart the running Joe Bot container:

sudo docker restart joe_bot

After restart, all user sessions are restored and should keep working (but PostgreSQL connections are re-established so if users set some session variables, they are lost). This feature works only in Joe versions 0.10 and newer. If you need to reset user sessions, stop the container, remove the file sessions.json located in ~/.dblab/joe/meta, and start the container.

Upgrade Joe Bot​

Stop and remove the container using sudo docker stop joe_bot and sudo docker rm joe_bot and then launching it again.

After upgrading, all user sessions are restored and should keep working (but PostgreSQL connections are re-established so if users set some session variables, they are lost). This feature works only in Joe versions 0.10 and newer. If you need to reset user sessions, stop the container, remove the file sessions.json located in ~/.dblab/joe/meta, and start the container.

Observe Joe Bot logs​

To enable the debugging mode you can use one of the following approaches:

To observe the container logs, run:

sudo docker logs joe_bot -f

Check Joe Bot status​

To check the status of the running container, perform the request GET /.

For example using curl:

curl -XGET ''

The response HTTP/1.1 200 OK is going to be:
