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PostgreSQL versions and extensions supported in Database Lab Engine

PostgreSQL versions​

Currently, Database Lab Engine fully supports the following PostgreSQL major versions:

  • 9.6 (released: 2016-09-29; EOL: 2021-11-11)
  • 10 (released: 2017-10-05; EOL: 2022-11-10)
  • 11 (released: 2018-10-18; EOL: 2023-11-09)
  • 12 (released: 2019-10-03; EOL: 2024-11-14)
  • 13 (released: 2020-09-24; EOL: 2025-11-13)
  • 14 (released: 2021-09-31; EOL: 2026-11-12)
  • 15 (released: 2022-10-13; EOL: 2027-11-11)
  • 16 (released: 2023-09-14; EOL: 2028-11-09)
  • 17 (released: 2024-09-26; EOL: 2029-11-08)

By default, version 16 is used: postgresai/extended-postgres:16.

The images are published in Docker Hub.

For paid customers having production systems running on AWS RDS and RDS Aurora, GCP CloudSQL, Heroku, Supabase, Timescale Cloud or using PostGIS, Postgres.AI maintains a set of special images. Contact [email protected] for details.

Extensions included by default​

By default, the Database Lab Engine uses the extended Docker images built on top of the official Docker images for PostgreSQL. It is easy to change the images – see the options named dockerImage in various sections of the Database Lab Engine configuration.

All these extended images include the following extensions:

How to add more extensions​

There are two options:

  1. Adjust Dockerfile and build your own Docker image:
  2. Ask the team for help – contact: [email protected]