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Tutorial: Start using Joe Bot for PostgreSQL query optimization

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Step 1. Requirements​

Step 2. Configure communication channels​

There are two available types of communication with Joe:

You can use both of them in parallel. If you can develop in Go language, feel free to implement more types of communication: see communication channels issues.

We need to define where to store the configuration file. We will use ~/.dblab/joe/configs/joe.yml.

Configuration example:

mkdir -p ~/.dblab/joe/configs

curl -fsSL \
--output ~/.dblab/joe/configs/joe.yml

Then, configure ways of communication with Joe.

Step 2a. Set up Joe in Console ("Web UI")​

If you don't need Web UI and prefer working with Joe only in messengers (such as Slack), comment out channelMapping: communicationTypes: webui subsection in Jog config, and proceed to the next step.

Before configuring Web UI make sure you have a account.

If you don't have a account yet, see the guide on how to start working with Console.

To configure Web UI:

  1. First, get your JOE_PLATFORM_TOKEN. This token lets Joe Bot talk to Platform to enable Web UI chat window, save the history of commands, and visualize query plans. In Console, switch to proper organization and open the Access Tokens page. Save it to Joe config (platform: token).

  2. Then, go to the Joe instances page in the SQL Optimization sidebar section.

  3. Choose a project from the dropdown menu and press the Add instance button.

  4. Generate Signing secret. Put it in the configuration file (channelMapping: webui: <your channel name>: credentials: signingSecret). We will add and verify the URL on the last step, so do not close the page.

    WebUI - Generate a signing token

Step 2b. Set up Joe bot in Slack​

If you need to work with Joe bot in Slack, uncomment channelMapping: communicationTypes: slacksm subsection in Joe config, and follow these instructions.

Configure a new Slack App in order to use Joe in Slack and add the app to your team Workspace.

  1. Create #db-lab channel in your Slack Workspace (You can use another channel name).

  2. Create a new Slack App.

    • Choose From an app manifest option in popup. Slack App - create app from app manifest

    • Paste next yaml.

major_version: 1
minor_version: 1
name: Joe Bot
description: PostgreSQL query optimization assistent
background_color: "#2b2c30"
home_tab_enabled: false
messages_tab_enabled: false
messages_tab_read_only_enabled: false
display_name: Joe Bot
always_online: false
- chat:write
- files:read
- files:write
- users:read
- users.profile:read
- channels:history
- incoming-webhook
- reactions:write
- app_mentions:read
- app_mention
- message.channels
is_enabled: true
org_deploy_enabled: false
socket_mode_enabled: true
token_rotation_enabled: false
  1. Press "Install App to Workspace".

    • Choose #db-lab channel. Slack App - Install App

    • You will get "Bot User OAuth Access Token" which is required to run the Joe app.

  2. Generate App Level token.

    • Go to the "Basic Settings" page and scroll down to "App-Level Tokens" section. Press "Generate Token and Scopes". Slack App - Generate App Level Token

    • Fill in token name (e.g. "joe socket mode") and add scope connections:write Slack App - App Level Token and Scopes

    • You will get "App Level Token" which is required to run the Joe app in Slack SocketMode.

Now we have all tokens. Fill in "Bot User OAuth Access Token" and "App Level Token" in slacksm config section, and we are ready to run Joe Bot.

Step 3. Run Joe Bot container​

  1. Launch Joe Bot container which immediately connects to the Database Lab instance(s) you've specified in the config file.

    sudo docker run \
    --name joe_bot \
    --publish 2400:2400 \
    --restart=on-failure \
    --volume ~/.dblab/joe/configs:/home/configs \
    --volume ~/.dblab/joe/meta:/home/meta \
    --detach \

    To observe Joe logs use:

    sudo docker logs -f joe_bot

    Need you to reconfigure or upgrade, you can stop and remove the container any time using sudo docker stop joe_bot and sudo docker rm joe_bot and then launching it again as described above.

  2. Make a publicly accessible HTTP(S) server port specified in the configuration to receive requests from communication channels Request URL (e.g.,,

Instead of working using insecure HTTP, you can set up NGINX with SSL enabled and open port 443, similarly as described in "Secure Database Lab Engine".

Step 4. Verify the configuration​

Step 4a. Finish the Web UI configuration​

  1. Return to the page of Joe configuration in the Console, enter the URL with the specific path /webui/. For example,

  2. Press the Verify button to check connection and Add the instance after the verification is passed.

  3. Choose the created instance and send a command.

    Run command

Step 4b. Finish the Slack configuration​

  1. Invite "Joe Bot" to "#db-lab" channel.

  2. Send a command to the #db-lab channel. For example, help.

    Run command

See available configuration options here.

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